
Options for including mathematics on your website include:

The Nift documentation covers how to display LATEX on your websites using MathJax. Repeating the information on this page, using MathJax on your site is as simple as adding the following code to the head of each page:

			<!-- uses MathJax CDN for LaTeX support
				 see for more info -->
			<script id="MathJax-script" async
				window.MathJax = {
					tex: {
						inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']],
						displayMath: [['$$', '$$'], ["\\[", "\\]"]],
						processEscapes: true

You should then be able to paste LATEX equations straight into content files. Both `$..$` and `\(..\)` work for inline equations, and both `$$..$$` and `\[..\]` work for displayed equations (note inside markdown/showdown blocks use `\(..\)` and `\[..\]`, or the `$` syntax). Eg. When a0, there are two solutions to ax2+bx+c=0 and they are: x=b±b24ac2a

If you want to insert a dollar sign on a page, as opposed to opening/closing an inline equation, use \$ and MathJax will escape the character.

Note: if you are opening a page locally and are not connected to the internet then MathJax will not load, you will simply see the unprocessed LaTeX equations.