The syntax for the
nift track-from-file file nsm track-from-file file
The file outlining files to track should have one file specified on each line following the format:
name (title) (content-extension) (template-path) (output-extension)
name is the name of the file you want to track;title is the title, if not specified thename is used;content-ext is the content extension to use, if not specified the project-wide content extension is used;template-path is the template path to track with, if not specified the project-wide default template path is used;output-ext is the output extension to track with, if not specified the project-wide output extension is used.
Note: the file with track information can have empty lines and comment lines beginning with '
Example of
- nift track-from-file to-track.txt
- nsm track-from-file to-track.txt