The syntax for the
nift commands
nsm commands
+--------- available commands ---------------------------------+ | commands or cmds | list all commands | | config | configure Nift | | clone | par: clone-url | | diff | par: file-path | | pull | pull remote changes locally | | bcp | par: commit-message | | mbcp | par: dir-1 .. dir-k commit-message | | init | start managing project - par: (out-ext) | | init-html | start managing html website | | status | list updated & problem files | | info | par: name-1 .. name-k | | info-all | list watched dirs & tracked files | | info-names | list tracked names | | info-tracking | list tracked files | | info-watching | list watched dirs | | track | par: name (title) (template) | | track-from-file | par: file-path | | track-dir | par: dir (cont-ext) (template) (out-ext) | | untrack | par: name | | untrack-from-file | par: file-path | | untrack-dir | par: dir-path (content-ext) | | rmv | par: name | | rmv-from-file | par: file-path | | rmv-dir | par: dir-path (content-ext) | | mve | par: old-name new-name | | cpy | par: tracked-name new-name | | run | par: (lang-opt) script-path | | interp | par: (lang-opt) | | sh | par: (lang-opt) | | build-names | par: name-1 .. name-k | | build(-updated) | build updated output files | | build-all | build all tracked output files | | serve | serve project locally par: (sleep-sec) | | mve-output-dir | par: dir-path | | mve-cont-dir | par: dir-path | | new-title | par: name new-title | | new-template | par: (name) template | | new-cont-ext | par: (name) content-ext | | new-output-ext | par: (name) output-ext | | new-script-ext | par: (name) script-ext | | no-build-thrds | par: (no-threads) [-n == n*cores] | | backup-scripts | par: (option) | | incr-mode | par: (mode) | | watch | par: dir (cont-ext) (template) (out-ext) | | unwatch | par: dir (cont-ext) | | edit or open | par: name-1 .. name-k | | medit or mopen | par: dir-1 .. dir-k name | | lolcat | par: (options) used when no other lolcat | | | versions are installed | +--------------------------------------------------------------+